Should I Remodel or Sell My Home?

Remodel or Sell? Maybe you are tired of being in your home and need a change of scenery. Perhaps you see the potential in your kitchen and with some modifications it could be the place you always dreamed it to be! This crazy pandemic has brought all those questions to the forefront for many us (myself included).

Now that we have been on a steady diet of HGTV, that age old questions for so many has been “Is it time to remodel or move on?” That is certainly a tough question to answer and I always try my best to be unbiased. Of course I see the potential in each and every space but I want to be honest with clients if I truly feel it’s time to move on.

Here is a quick list of questions to ask yourself:

  • Does your current home have enough of what you need?

  • If you move, will you find something that fits most /all of your criteria?

  • Is the land or neighborhood itself unique and desirable?

  • If you do a project will you recoup your investment?

The best advice I can give anyone is to go old school! Pro & con lists are a great way to put all of your thoughts out there in a concrete way. Seeking out the advice of a design/remodel professional and asking their opinion can also be super helpful. Consulting with local real estate agents is another great way to get a temperature for the market. Before you decide to take a hammer to that one ugly wall that’s driving you crazy, let’s chat about it and come up with a plan. We are here to help you make good decisions when it comes to your home.


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